Moving one mailbox on Exchange
2013 is an easy task for an administrator but when an admin migrate lots of
mailboxes, slow mailbox moving issue occurs on Exchange Server. However, with
simple steps, you can fix the slow migration issue and increase the speed of
user’s mailbox in your Exchange Server environment.
So today I am sharing few steps
to increase the speed of mailbox migration on Exchange 2013; especially when
you have to quickly migrate lot of mailboxes. Follow the steps accordingly-
1. Initially, validate the protocol connectivity
Run the command to verify the
protocol connectivity, but also check firewall is not blocking your Exchange
Server network if your server is distributed through the WAN (Wide Area
Command: Test-MapiConnectivity -Identity | fl
If you find any error after
executing the command, check that arbitration mailbox are placed appropriately
on the relevant Exchange server.
Execute the below PowerShell to check
the details-
Get-Mailbox -arbitration|fl Name, recipienttypedetails
2. You have noticed migration speed of single mailbox is always
multiple times faster than migrating 50 of hundred plus mailboxes. To fix the
delay, change the value in the MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config. You can
locate this file at the following path:
c:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange
Now change the value in file-
MaxActiveMovesPerSourceMDB = "75"
MaxActiveMovesPerTargetMDB = "75"
MaxActiveMovesPerSourceServer = "120"
MaxActiveMovesPerTargetServer = "120"
MaxTotalMovesPerMRS = "120"
Once you’re done, don’t forget to restart the
MSExchangeMailboxReplication service.
3. If you’re using Exchange 2013 SP1, check that if there is
content index error on mailbox database copies. Disable the index and execute
the command to see the difference-
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus |
ft name, status, contentindexstate,contentindexerrormessage
Set-MailboxDatabase DB -IndexEnabled:$False
4. Check that TCP Chimney is Disabled or not.
Netsh int tcp show chimneystats
If "Supp" value is NO,
it means TCP Chimney is either not enabled or not supported. Else, it will show
"YES" with some values on "TMax" and "PMax"
For disabling TCP Chimney:
netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled
However, there are few shell
commands too for evaluating the mailbox movement. Clickhere to check it.
Otherwise, try an automated way
to migrate Exchange mailbox using an Exchange mailbox migration tool. It will
fix the slow migration issue and increase the speed of migration between
servers without altering any settings on your Exchange environment. You can
download Stellar mailbox migration tool by visiting here:
And, migrate the mailboxes without any failure or slow moving rate. Thanks!!