As we all know that Exchange Server is very comfortable and user friendly platform for any organization. But sometimes it becomes so irritating when all errors comes to its path like “Dirty Shutdown”.
And when these kind of error comes you always try to restore your data from backup, but not so frequent but it happens sometimes you found difficulty in mounting process. This shows your database is dirty and need for Exchange database recovery.
Generally in technically, dirty means that is database is corrupted because of system is not properly shut down. You can say that transaction log is missing.
In such condition you can use these utilities to recover your Exchange Server:-
ESEUTIL Utility:-
Eseutil is a command-line utility that can be used to fragment an Exchange database off line, verify the database integrity, and repair a damaged database. The utility can be found in the \EXCHSRVR\BIN directory.
It can effectively fix all integrity issues related to the Information Store and the directory. As the BIN directory is not included in the system path, you need to open this utility in the BIN directory itself or add ‘\EXCHSRVR\BIN’ to the system path.
ISINTEG Utility:-
The ‘Isinteg’ utility identifies the Exchange database as an ESE database and verifies the database tables, their records, and indexes. The utility records all information about the recovery process to the application log in the Event Viewer.
You can initially try to restart the Exchange Server for performing a soft recovery. If this fails, follow the steps to perform Exchange server repair using these two utilities:
Run this command form the BIN folder to do a hard repair of the database:-
“ESEUTIL /P database_filename.edb"
Now try deleting the log and chk files.
Use “eseutil /d database_filename.edb" command to defrag the database.
Run this form the same BIN folder:-
“eseutil /d database_filename.edb"
Try to mount the stores
If they are not useful then you can try Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery tool that can be used for EDB file recovery from any version of Exchange Server and comes in very affordable rate.
And when these kind of error comes you always try to restore your data from backup, but not so frequent but it happens sometimes you found difficulty in mounting process. This shows your database is dirty and need for Exchange database recovery.
Generally in technically, dirty means that is database is corrupted because of system is not properly shut down. You can say that transaction log is missing.
In such condition you can use these utilities to recover your Exchange Server:-
ESEUTIL Utility:-
Eseutil is a command-line utility that can be used to fragment an Exchange database off line, verify the database integrity, and repair a damaged database. The utility can be found in the \EXCHSRVR\BIN directory.
It can effectively fix all integrity issues related to the Information Store and the directory. As the BIN directory is not included in the system path, you need to open this utility in the BIN directory itself or add ‘\EXCHSRVR\BIN’ to the system path.
ISINTEG Utility:-
The ‘Isinteg’ utility identifies the Exchange database as an ESE database and verifies the database tables, their records, and indexes. The utility records all information about the recovery process to the application log in the Event Viewer.
You can initially try to restart the Exchange Server for performing a soft recovery. If this fails, follow the steps to perform Exchange server repair using these two utilities:
Run this command form the BIN folder to do a hard repair of the database:-
“ESEUTIL /P database_filename.edb"
Now try deleting the log and chk files.
Use “eseutil /d database_filename.edb" command to defrag the database.
Run this form the same BIN folder:-
“eseutil /d database_filename.edb"
Try to mount the stores
If they are not useful then you can try Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery tool that can be used for EDB file recovery from any version of Exchange Server and comes in very affordable rate.