For Exchange Server users occurrence of any error is not a new and big thing, to deal with these type of errors is a common habit for them.
Microsoft Exchange Error 0x8004010f is a very general error. Sometimes when you access your data and synchronize your OST file with your Exchange server mailbox. You will feel that it is showing some strange behavior. Since OST file is an exact replica of Exchange server mailbox that is stored on client hard disk locally.
When you try to synchronize your Offline address list on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010/2007/2003 in MS Outlook 2003, following error message may appear on your screen:-
“0×8004010F An object could not be found”
After ignoring this error message when you attempt to send an email, you will receive following error message:-
“Task ‘Microsoft Exchange Server’ reported error (0×8004010F): ‘The operation failed. An object could not be found.’”
Possible cause: - There are some causes mentioned below that may be responsible for this error message:-
There are multiple reasons for why an Outlook e-mail client can receive this synchronization error. Some of the most common causes of this error are mentioned below:-
• Offline address book list objects have a missing or incorrect address list.
• Offline address book list objects include missing address list.
• Send/As permission changes in the store affect user’s accounts with no mailbox full rights to another mailbox.
• Multiple OAB Version folders exist of the same type.
• Clients are attempting to download the OAB files from a public folder store that have not received the replicated updates.
• The OST file is either corrupt or unusable.
Tips: - You can try these tips to recover from this error message:-
• If you view Properties in Address lists setting of Exchange System Manager, you can verify the address list validity to solve this problem. If the list is not valid, you must add a new one.
• If you view the Properties in Offline address list setting of Exchange System Manager, verify the validity of offline address book in the Offline address list.
If any of the above said method does not help you to fix the error, it may be the case of corruption and you need to repair your file. In such scenario you can use Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery Software. That is not only easy-to-use EDB repair application but also powerful Exchange Server recovery utility to recover corrupt or damaged EDB file in any version of Exchange Server like 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, and 5.5.
Microsoft Exchange Error 0x8004010f is a very general error. Sometimes when you access your data and synchronize your OST file with your Exchange server mailbox. You will feel that it is showing some strange behavior. Since OST file is an exact replica of Exchange server mailbox that is stored on client hard disk locally.
When you try to synchronize your Offline address list on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010/2007/2003 in MS Outlook 2003, following error message may appear on your screen:-
“0×8004010F An object could not be found”
After ignoring this error message when you attempt to send an email, you will receive following error message:-
“Task ‘Microsoft Exchange Server’ reported error (0×8004010F): ‘The operation failed. An object could not be found.’”
Possible cause: - There are some causes mentioned below that may be responsible for this error message:-
There are multiple reasons for why an Outlook e-mail client can receive this synchronization error. Some of the most common causes of this error are mentioned below:-
• Offline address book list objects have a missing or incorrect address list.
• Offline address book list objects include missing address list.
• Send/As permission changes in the store affect user’s accounts with no mailbox full rights to another mailbox.
• Multiple OAB Version folders exist of the same type.
• Clients are attempting to download the OAB files from a public folder store that have not received the replicated updates.
• The OST file is either corrupt or unusable.
Tips: - You can try these tips to recover from this error message:-
• If you view Properties in Address lists setting of Exchange System Manager, you can verify the address list validity to solve this problem. If the list is not valid, you must add a new one.
• If you view the Properties in Offline address list setting of Exchange System Manager, verify the validity of offline address book in the Offline address list.
If any of the above said method does not help you to fix the error, it may be the case of corruption and you need to repair your file. In such scenario you can use Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery Software. That is not only easy-to-use EDB repair application but also powerful Exchange Server recovery utility to recover corrupt or damaged EDB file in any version of Exchange Server like 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, and 5.5.