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How Exchange Server Recovery is possible?


No matter large or small organization, all use Exchange Server for their communication and database. Now a days emails are an essential part for every company because they are the best way to communicate with the client of any company.
Since Microsoft Exchange Server is flexible and very much user friendly that is why it is becoming famous in the corporate world, but every thing has its limitation. Exchange Server also gets damaged or corrupted due to some errors such as virus attack, hardware failure, operating system malfunction and abnormal termination of the information store service and many more.

Corruption in Exchange server is a subject to take seriously because it may be the cause to loose all important data from your database. Following are some common errors that usually come up when the Exchange Server gets corrupted:-

MS Exchange Ad Access Error 2501
Exchange error 1053
Exchange error 4.4.7
Exchange error 1068

There are many more similar errors that are encountered when Exchange Server gets damaged. In order to solve the problem of corruption in Exchange Server you can use following free utility:-

1) ESEUTIL Utility:-It is a command line utility that defragments the mailbox and public folder stores in Exchange Server. ESEUTIL verifies the database integrity and repairs damaged database.
It can be found in \Exchsrvr\bin(dir) and test the structure of database table, records by reading,scanning and repairing.

You can use following commands:-
ESEUTIL/d:-performs off line compaction of the database.
ESEUTIL/r:-recovers database.
ESEUTIL/g:-verify the integrity of the database.
ESEUTIL/p:-repairs corrupted database.
ESEUTIL/c:-restore information.
ESEUTIL/y:-copies database streaming file or log file.

2) ISINTEG Utility:- This utility identifies database as ESE database and verify that database tables, records and indexes.

Limitation:- There are some limitations with these free utilities
*Both work in off line mode.
*We can use them for only minor corruption.
*There is no guarantee for the 100% data recovery.

Even if Exchange Server database remains corrupt after using these utilities then go for a third party tool.

Stellar Phoenix Exchange ServerRecoveryis an efficacious application that efficiently performs Exchange Server Recovery in few steps. The demo version of the software can be downloaded from the website directly and it offers a preview of user mailbox items in a three view structure.

This software supports all major versions of Microsoft Exchange Server. With the help of this software you can access all damaged data of user mailbox such as calender events, contacts, attachments, emails etc. 

How To Handle Exchange Server Error (0x8004010F)


This blog post is showing how can Exchange Server Error(0x8004010F) be resolved in effective manner with the default utility and with the help of a professional software.

Exchange Server developed by Microsoft, plays very important role in industrial groups because of its excellent features for communication. Its storage capacity in EDB file is very helpful for Exchange users. But it is very common to show some problem while working on database. Sometimes it shows very unusual behavior and suddenly stops working. This happens when any error occurs such as Error (0x8004010F). In such case you need for perfect exchange server recovery tool.

Situation when it usually occurs:-This is a very common error. It occurs when Exchange user tries to adjust .ost file in Exchange server mailbox in order to access data. Since an Outlook .ost file is a part of Exchange server mailbox that is by default stored on client hard disk locally. In case, when you synchronize OST file with the Exchange Server mailbox, generally happens that OST file is converted into Outlook .PST file and updated automatically. In between, if the synchronization process terminates due to any cause, conversion cannot take place completely and user will not be authorized to access user mailbox. In such scenario, user has to convert OST to PST manually.

Or when user tries to integrate OST file Exchange screen shows:-

0×8004010F An object could not be found”

If user ignores this message and continues working again a message pops up:-

Task ‘Microsoft Exchange Server’ reported error (0×8004010F): ‘The operation failed. An object could not be found.’”

Causes:-Following are the common reasons:-

  • Multiple OAB Version folders exist of the same type.
  • Off line address book list objects include missing address list.
  • Clients are attempting to download the OAB files from a public folder store that have not received the replicated updates.
  • Send/As permission changes in the store affect user’s accounts with no mailbox full rights to another mailbox.
  • The OST file is either corrupt or unusable.

You can get rid of this situation using ISINTEG or ESEUTIL utility or if there is no effect after using this then you have to choose any professional and effective Exchange server recovery tool. One such tool is Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery that comes in very affordable range and perfect in recovery from any Exchange error code. This EDB repair tool is highly advisable for all version of Exchange 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000 and 5.5.

How to Deal With Exchange Server Error 550 and Exchange Server Error 528?


In this blog post we are going to tell you how you can get rid of Exchange Server Errors 528 and 550. Exchange server stores all data in its storage groups. All essential data of Exchange Server's users is stored in exchange database files. This type of errors comes when there is some corruption in its database. Due to this error user is not able to access its mails and important files and folders.

Case 1:-

When you try to restore your essential data with the help of backup server it may be possible that information store may fail to mount or start. This scenario may lead to disaster/corruption in Exchange Server database. You may encounter the following errors while restoring from backup server:
  • As you start Exchange Server you may get Exchange error 550 message on screen.
  • Or after deletion of log files, Exchange database doesn't come up and Exchange Error 528 pops up.
Main cause for the Exchange Server Error 550 is when user tries to run eseutil or Exchange directory services with the help of backup software and Exchange server, backup becomes inconsistent and fails to restore data.

And possible cause for Exchange server error 528 is when edb.log and edb.chk files are lost that are usually stored in Exchsrvr\Mdbdata directory.

Solution For Case 1:-

  • Eseutil /r command to perform soft database recovery.
  • Eseutil /p command for hard repair.
  • Third-party Exchange Recovery Tool.
Case 2:-

Exchange error 550 is caused by mainly connection error in external domain and domain server. Following are some steps that user can try at his basic level:-

  • Try to setup a telnet connection to the mail-server of that specific domain and check if it’s working. If not, suggest you contact your ISP to create one first.
  • Check whether you are able to send a message via telnet to the mail server.
  • Create a PTR record. If not, contact your ISP to create this.
  • Try to telnet on that email server and send EHLO command.
  • Examine that there should be no such issue for only one domain or multiple domains.
Solution For Case 2:-

First run default command ESEUTIL proposed by Microsoft, and if there is no effect than install any professional third party tool such as Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery that is highly effective for both Exchange Server errors 528 and 550 and also available at an affordable price with its risk free demo version.

How to perform effective Exchange Database Recovery?


In this era, emails are an essential part of every one's life. In the corporate world emails are the best way to communicate with the clients no matter where they are located. Among email applications no doubt Microsoft Exchange Server is the best email server application. Comparatively it provides better security against essential data loss. Despite of high end security EDB (Exchange Database File) may get corrupt due to known and unknown reasons. In such situations, it becomes very important for you to use built-in database repair utility or a recent backup file to restore the original form of data.

The people who are using mail clients, are used to keep a backup copy of their database and maintain it regularly. Having backup of the database is an effective strategy for restoring data whenever it is needed. Thus the data of Exchange Server can also be restored with the help of a backup file.

There are many cases in which your Exchange database may get damaged or corrupt and make all user mailbox data as inaccessible. Corruption in the Exchange database may occur due to the following very common reasons:-

1)Hardware Failure
2)Software malfunction
3)Virus Attack
4)Power Failure
5)File Size Increase
6)Exchange Server Dirty Shutdown
7)Hard Disk Crash etc

In all of the above mentioned errors, dirty shutdown of the server is a very common cause of corruption in the database. Exchange Server can go down because of sudden power failure which may lead to dirty shutdown of the Server. Basically dirty shutdown happens when information stored in Exchange database has not been closed in a normal manner. As a result you will lose access to all emails or user mailbox present in EDB File. Occurrence of dirty shutdown is really a matter of concern because that may be the cause of corrupt EDB file as well.

After dirty shutdown when you try to mount priv1.edb file to Exchange Server following error code will appear.

Operation terminated with error -550
JET_errDatabaseDirtyShutdown, Database was not shutdown cleanly. Recovery must first be run to properly complete database operations for the previous shutdown

This above mentioned error means that operation was terminated with error -550 (JET-errDatabaseDirtyShutdown),

It means database was not shutdown cleanly. Firstly Exchange Server Recovery must be performed to properly complete database operation for the previous improper shutdown.

For this you can run the eseutil /r utility on priv1.edb for performing soft recovery that may show following series of errors at the end of the process:

Initiating RECOVERY mode…
Logfile base name: priv1.edb
Log files: <current directory>
System files: <current directory>

Operation terminated with error -1003 (JET_errInvalidParameter, Invalid API para meter).

These errors indicate that Eseutil.exe cannot help you in restoring log files. Now switch to DS/IS Consistency Adjuster. DS/IS Consistency Adjuster re-creates the directory objects for the mailboxes and public folders that are only in the store.

After performing this operation, you are able to access the Server and users will start receiving and sending their emails.

Except these errors sometimes to know the reason of database corruption becomes very difficult. In all of the above mentioned errors, manually it is not always possible to restore Exchange Server back to its normal working.

In such scenario you can repair corrupt database through a third party tool named Stellar Phoenix Mailbox Exchange Server Recovery Software that effectively recovers exchange database in three simple steps.

  1. First step is to browse and select your file
  2. Second is to scan and repair it with the help of the software and
  3. Third is to preview and save the file.
Exchange database recovery software deeply scans the corrupt .edb file and saves repaired data in .pst file format at a user specified location. This efficacious utility supports all versions of Microsoft Exchange Server namely 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000 and 5.5.

Exchange Server Page Read Failed Verification Error


Exchange Server is a mail-server application that is proposed by Microsoft. It is a calendaring software and contact manager that runs on Windows Server. This Server is full of features. That's why it is famous among small and large business groups.

Exchange server stores or collects all data in its Exchange database files and any corruption in these files generates errors in Exchange server.

Here we are going to discuss one Exchange server error that often appears while working on Exchange database.

This page read failed verification error occurs when database is damaged at page level, due to 1018 error that is known by page number mismatch.

Cause:- Main cause behind this error is, Exchange server starts writing pages to the disk, after adding checksum to the page. And then, if page number or checksum mismatches with its define number it means there is corruption in Exchange database.

This error occurs when database page read fails due to mismatch in page numbers that leads to database damage at page level. It shows that the page that has been referenced in the store file is missing or mismatched that generally happens in taking on line fragmentation and backup.

This unexpected Exchange server error pops up due to error 1018 that is associated with event 475 in application log.

Solution:-Following steps are required when this error is encountered.

  • Upgrade the disk firmware and controller BIOS to the latest versions available.

  • Run system diagnostics to determine the exact reason of the problem because it may be possible that the corruption occurs rarely or occurs while heavy load conditions. If the hardware issues come out as problematic, replace them.

  • Run eseutil repair utility to repair the corrupted database and try to avoid perform hard recovery as this will delete the corrupted pages from database. Instead of restoring the database from valid backup if available.

If the above solution doesn't work then use Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery utility that is especially designed to recover data from Exchange errors. This EDB recovery software provides enhanced support for 64 bit Microsoft office and is compatible with Exchange 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000 and 5.5.

How to do Exchange server recovery from error:-Error - 1022='JET_errDiskIO' = Disk I/O Error


Exchange database (EDB) files are designed to store all the information and folders. Exchange database is the bonanza of all types of data. Corruption in Exchange database may affect smoothness of working or may be due to this Exchange server may refuse to open. Your each and every effort to access database or user mailbox has to face failure since database is damaged due to some unexpected cause. In layman language these cause are called errors. To ignore these errors or to make Exchange database recoverableyou can use previous backup file to mount all essential data again on Exchange server.

Here are some examples of errors that can affect user's communication:-

Event Type: Error

Event Source: ESE

Event Category: General
Event ID: 489
Computer:Computer Name
Process name [process id] file name: An attempt to open the file [path\file name] for read-only access failed with [Error Code and Explanation]. The open file operation will fail with error [-1022]. OR

Error -1022='JET_errDiskIO' = Disk I/O error

Root cause of this error is :-

  1. When a disk I/O error stops Exchange from accessing requested database page or a check file.
  2. This could be because of disk or controller that prevents you from accessing the disk (though this may be temporary).
  3. Check the log for drive or input/output errors around the time of Event 490. The problem occurs when the path for check file is wrong, may be due to drive failure.
  1. "Chkdsk /f /r" command can be executed to resolve this error. If problem is not solving executing this command then verify the permissions on Exchsrvr folder and ensure that system has full control of Exchsrvr and all the sub-folders (on every partition) that contain Exchange data.
  2. If you cannot mount databases, then you will need to troubleshoot Windows NT file-level anti-virus software that might be running on the Exchange server.
  3. Also check the log for drive or input/output errors around the time of Event 490. Verify and correct the path for the check file. You can also correct the root cause, and use an updated backup to retrieve data of the database.
  4. If all else fails, then performing Isinteg -fix, and ExMerge command to a new Information Store also helps you to sort out the problem.
Even-though you are not getting result as you want then there is only one solution left that is install Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery tool.

This software is launched by Stellar which is the #1 organization with almost 28 branches in all over India and is well known for its data recovery services and products. This software is highly perfect in EDB recovery and recovers files and information with the ability to save data where the user wants or requires.

How to do Exchange server Recovery in just three steps?


Microsoft Exchange Server environment was designed in April 1993. Microsoft Exchange Server is a mail server, calendaring softwareand contact manager developed by Microsoft. This communication application is used to write all the database transactions to certain log files and commit them later whenever the system allows. The transactions also exist in system memory, but get lost in the event of crash. If the Exchange Server crashes unexpectedly transaction logs serve as the crucial recovery method. For this cause, the transaction log files should be cached on a reliable system. The log file header contains information like file signature, base name, creation time, checkpoint etc. At times, your Exchange Server indicates as it is unable to read this information.

Sometimes Exchange Server shows very unusual errors. On the effect of this all Exchange database and mailboxes became inaccessible to the user and this situation may affect the performance of its organization.

One such error message is stated below:

"Operation terminated with error -1003
0xFFFFFC15 JET_errInvalidParameter Invalid API parameter 4294966293"
Following cause may be responsible to cause this error:-

You might encounter this problem due to missing or damaged log files or invalid API (Application Programming Interface) parameters.

To isolate the given issue, use the following sequence of steps:

  1. Dismount all the databases
  2. You can then decompress the folder of logs and databases
  3. To get rid of this scenario administrator should regularly update backup of the database so that it may helpful in recovery time.
  4. And other way for Exchange EDB repair is use of ESEUTIL default utility.
  5. Even though your Exchange requires EDB recovery then install Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery third party utility and recover data in few times.

Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery is one of the best product of Stellar that is known for its data recovery of any Exchange Server, Outlook, Mac, window, Photo and password. This persuasive Exchange database recovery software can be easily installed in a system for recovery of any version of Exchange.

How Exchange Recovery can be done in affordable price?


As we all know that emails are playing very important role in the industry world and absence of message system may affect the productivity of the organization. So any disaster damage in EDB file of Exchange Server may be the cause to halt for whole enterprise. Developed by Microsoft, Exchange Server is a server side application that is mostly exert for conversation between client and server and email client of Exchange Server is MS Outlook that use PST and OST file for data storage.

As a user of Exchange Server you should know how to get backup of Exchange database, how to do Exchange Recovery when backup is not available. You should keep some points in your mind while recovering database of Exchange Server such as: understanding of what you are going to recover and from where, knowing that exchange Server reliability on active directory and technology of Exchange Server database you should know.

All above facts will help you in Exchange repairing but it is possible knowing these facts you are not able to recover database because may be either your EDB file is affected by some known errors or any logical error has affected to Exchange Server.

Some known errors of Exchange Server are:

Exchange Event ID 9175
Error 1601
Error 1605
Error 4294966278
Exchange Dirty Shutdown Error
Error -515
Exchange Event ID 5000

Some inbuilt utility are also available to fight with these errors:

ESEUTIL Utility :- ESEUTIL verifies the database integrity and repairs damaged database.

You can use following commands:-

  1. ESEUTIL/d:-performs off line compaction of the database.
  2. ESEUTIL/r:-recovers database.
  3. ESEUTIL/g:-verify the integrity of the database.
  4. ESEUTIL/p:-repairs corrupted database.
  5. ESEUTIL/c:-restore information.
  6. ESEUTIL/y:-copies database streaming file or log file.

ISINTEG Utility:- This utility identifies database as ESE database and verify that database tables, records and indexes.

But these utility are very useful for minor corruptions applying these utility you are finding still difficulty in accessing of Exchange Server database then you can switch to any professional Exchange Server recovery software,such as:

Stellar Phoenix Exchange Recovery software is specially design to provide effective recovery of corrupted Exchange database. This efficacious software supports 64 bit Microsoft office with extra feature to search EDB file from any location in the system. It recovers all unreachable files and folders from corrupted EDB file and provide quick scan option for pub.edb file. This tool repairs damaged EDB and compatible with MS Exchange 2010,2007, 2003, 2000 and 5.5.

Default Exchange Server Recovery Method


Since Exchange server has many exclusive features that help in its popularity and in its usage in big organization some of features are as follows:-
  • Very much helpful for a collection of browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome that allow you to work and collaborate from anywhere you want.
  • It facilitates mobile sync with hundreds of devices like Windows Phone, iPhone, and Android that shows you can access and update your information or status anytime.
  • It supports to increase user productivity and retain your organization safe, while maintaining the control you need.
  • Managed availability helps your business achieve increased levels of reliability.
Microsoft Exchange Information store is efficient in maintenance of Exchange databases. It manages transactions in order to provide other services and messaging clients with access to mailboxes and public folders.

In case information store gets corrupted or damaged due to common reasons such as unexpected system shutdown, damaged headers, antivirus scan, log file corruption, virus attacks, etc. then these steps may help you in recovery of Exchange Server.
  1. Integrity – First step is to test database integrity using Isinteg
    isinteg -s <servername> -test Alltests
  2. Next check database integrity using ESEUTIL /G. It is located in “C:\Program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb”
  3. Next step is Defragmentation using ESEUTIL /D. It is also located in “C:\Program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb”
  4. Next step now is Repair, which is done using ESEUTIL /P utility. It is also located in “C:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb”
  5. Repair using ISINTEG (Last Resort)
    isinteg -s <servername> -fix -test alltests
But the situation may arise that your Exchange database can be still corrupted. For that you can go for third party tool such as Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery software. This is perfect in the following ways:-
  • It is a powerful utility in recovery of damaged EDB file from Exchange server with all emails, attachments, contact list and address books etc.
  • This Exchange EDB Recovery software can efficiently recover all the accidentally or intentionally deleted user mailboxes from the Exchange server.
  • This program saves the recovered Mailbox as a PST file and this PST file can be directly imported into either MS outlook or MS Exchange Server and all the e-mails with other mail components are easily accessed.
  • This utility easily searches for EDB files from all drives and volume. This is very time saving process and user can save recovered data at his preferred location.
  • The software has two scan modes for scanning corrupted EDB file: one is Extensive Scan and the other one is Quick scan.
  • Extensive Scan option is more effective means and is useful in repairing almost all major logical corruption of the EDB files.
  • Quick Scan is useful in almost all cases of EBD file corruption and is comparatively faster.
  • This EDB recovery utility gives you a choice of selecting your Exchange Server from the list of all supported Microsoft Exchange versions, including MS Exchange Server 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000 and 5.5.

An Effective Way to Solve Exchange Server Database Errors


Microsoft Exchange Server is a choice of every big organization for communication to their clients or themselves. As well as database corruption in Exchange server is a very common occurrence. When it occurs, it affects strongly the Information Store that has the collection of all important data. This damage takes place generally in Pub1.edb or Priv1.edb files of Exchange Server database.

When this type of damage takes place in Microsoft Server Store, user is not allowed to access his critical emails, notes, contacts and other data from mailbox and comes across data loss situations. In these critical situations, it becomes essential to repair and restore damaged database using appropriate Exchange Server Recovery solutions or commands.

When Exchange database server and Information Store corruption occurs, your Server may show following error messages:-

Error1:- Information Service of Server doesn't start.

Error2:- When you attempt to restore Exchange Server database from offline backup and run Isinteg.exe (Inform Store Integrity Checker) utility, you might encounter underwritten error message: Error 4294966746: JET_errDatabaseInconsistent.

Error3:- You can't stop Inform Store Service as well as dependent services.

Error4:- Information Store stops responding and CPU usage reaches 100 percent.

Error5:- If you use Exchange System Manager for mounting database, you come across below error:An internal processing error has occurred. Try restarting the Exchange System Manager or the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service, or both.

Error6:- Users can't send or retrieve mails, even if you restart Store.

Error7:- While mounting mailbox store using Exchange System Manager, you get following error message:Unable to Mount the Mailbox Store with error c104173c "The Information Store is Busy"

These all above errors are due to corruption in Information Store. Now your Server requires a perfect Exchange database recovery to be sorted out. It may be possible this corruption to Exchange Server database or Information Store is the outcome of virus infection, improper system shutdown, operating system failure and so forth.

In such a phase, you can thoroughly scan the damaged Exchange Server database to repair and restore it. This is best possible with the help of powerful and advanced third party Exchange Recovery software.
These types of applications use high-end scanning mechanisms to methodically scan whole Exchange Server database and retrieve all of its inaccessible and damaged objects. The Exchange Server Repair software have self-descriptive user interface and thus allow you to perform recovery on your own.
I know such type of software since I used it when I needed to repair my EDB file. The name of utility is Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery. It is the most productive EDB Recovery application to recover your precious data effectively. It repairs and restores damaged EDB files of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000 and 5.5.

Exchange Server Various Errors and Their Recovery


In these days Exchange Server is using by almost all organization due to its facility to communicate business. But still acquiring these features, it shows sometimes different types of errors. Due to these errors Exchange database gets corrupted and all facilities may become inaccessible to the users.

Here we are going to discuss some rareExchange Server errors with their solutions:-

Error1:-“An internal processing error has occurred. When Trying to restart the Exchange System Manager or the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service, or both. ID no: c1041724 Exchange System Manager”

The root cause of this problem is that the System mailbox object exists in the System Objects container, which is created for this mailbox store. And when you try to mount it, Exchange Server creates another object for the same, which is causing the problem.
The solution of the above error is in these following steps:-
1. First start the Active Directory and Computers snap-in.
2.Then click the ‘Advanced Features’ option in the View menu.
3. After that find the Microsoft Exchange System Objects container, and then look for the System mailbox object whose mailbox store that you were trying to mount.
At last delete the System mailbox and now again try to mount the mailbox store.

Error2:-”Error -1022='JET_errDiskIO' = Disk I/O error”
The requested database page cannot be accessed due to an I/O error. This error message could be appear because of disk or controller failure or because the path to check file is incorrect.
1. In such circumstances you should run chkdsk /f /r command to check valid permissions on Exchsrvr folder.
2. Then ensure the correct path to check file and troubleshoot file-level anti-virus software scanning.
3.After this, you need to either restore the database from backup or repair the database using Exchange Recovery default command such as:- eseutil/p, isinteg -fix, and ExMerge.

These are very crucial errors which can damage the whole Exchange database and all essential data and files can be lost. When you have applied above solutions but you are finding that Exchange database is still out of your reach then its better to go for some proficient commercial Exchange server recovery application available in the market such as Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery. These type of utilities provides very effective EDB recovery and comes in very affordable price.

Mailbox Corruption in Exchange Server 2003


Exchange Server user has to face several errors in his daily routine. Here we are going to discuss a very common issue about mailbox corruption.

Almost every user comes up against a situation that connection can't be established with Exchange Server. At this time all data becomes out of reach for user and as a result all work halts. Since a large amount of emails accumulate in Exchange mailbox it's very natural for the Exchange Server administrator to handle problem of limited mailbox resources on Microsoft Exchange server.

Emails plays very important role in any business as they are the way to communicate things professionally. But storing them for a long time can become a very serious problem. As it involves many functions like emails setting, mailbox size, which mail should be on which folder, calendar events, important appointments etc. It is important to get end-users to appreciate that the volume of the email they store affects everyone. So they have to archive their Outlook data and be aware of ways to recover Exchange data.

Situation becomes very harmful when we work on such type of server like Exchange 2003 Standard Service Pack 1.0 that has a default limit to save all items in 16 GB. In the case if emails stored and the storing place cross the limit of 16 GB then Exchange will immediately dismount the mailbox and stop sending or receiving mails. That is why Exchange administrators take all basic and important steps so this situation never comes and he is always conscious how best to protect and recover Exchange files and folders.

For example:- Suppose there is a company of only 100 employees then there is nothing to worry but if some company has more than 2000 employees than they first have to think about the management of the user mailbox, because there will be overloaded if it is not properly managed.

To overcome this headache many of Exchange administrators install Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2.0 (SP2), since it has space of 75 GB on the information that it can contain. The perfect way to mange this situation is to encourage users to archive their Exchange data on their local computers and take backup of their data on regular basis.

As user mailbox is stored on Exchange server so Outlook has a local cached copy that help user to continue their work even if there comes any worse situation in the network. But in severe corruption of mailbox there come some tools that provide effective and complete recovery of the mailbox and its item such as Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery utility. This application can be used in any version of Exchange Server. It facilitates its free demo version that provides information on how to do the recovery process.

What to do when Exchange 2010 mailbox is damaged?


It is very common that corruption may occur in Exchange mailbox due to any of reason like virus attack, dirty shutdown, hardware/software malfunction or connection problem in database.

Following are some steps that you can use to check how severe corruption is:-
First run following command to check in which state database is:-
eseutil /mh “d:\path\to\store.edb”

From this you come to know the state, if the state is “Dirty Shutdown” then you can check the state of log files by trying this:-  
eseutil /ml “d:\path\to\log\e00”

It may happen that some error message will come as you run this command such as:-
  • Log file missing error
  • Error 501 of Log damaged
  • Error 4001 of not reading header of log file

You can mount database from the backup file if you have it. Otherwise you will have to do hard recovery by using following command:-
eseutil /p “d:\path\to\store.edb”

After this step you can do offline defragmentation via following command:-
eseutil /d “d:\path\to\store.edb”

As this step is finished you will have to delete old log file or you can shift these files into a new place.
Now it is the turn to mount mailbox database by running the following command:-
New-MailboxRepairRequest -Database “Name of database to be fixed” -CorruptionType SearchFolder, AggregateCounts, ProvisionedFolder, FolderView

When all is finished, create one new mailbox database and shift it to new database.
If all this doesn’t work then you can go for some smart third party software that does effective Exchange mailbox recovery like Stellar Phoenix Exchange mailbox Recovery tool. Free demo version of this software is available for try. This is one of best tool of Stellar that deals in data recovery software.

Get Rid of Exchange Server Corruption for whole Life

Exchange Server users usually face errors when they are working on Exchange database. Let us consider a situation when user is about to extract an important file from the database and then system starts showing corruption errors.

For this moment user can run following commands to recover Exchange database:-

There are some default utilities that are stored in exchsvr\bin directory. Eseutil and Isinteg are the utilities that come with Exchange Server automatically.
  • Eseutil/p:- It repairs corrupted database.
  • Eseutil/r:- It helps in recovering database.
  • Eseutil/g:- It verifies the integrity of the database.
  • Eseutil/d:- It performs offline compaction of the database.
  • Eseutil/y:- It copies database streaming file or log file.
  • Eseutil /mh:- It shows path of the database and checks the state of the database.
  • Eseutil/c:- It restores information.
For Clean shutdown (Normal Shutdown):-

User can move all the log files from the Transaction logs folder location and try to mount the stores.

For Dirty Shutdown:-

Then user should check the state of Log files. To examine that the log files that are required are in a Clean state, user can run Eseutil /ml command with Path of the log files\log prefix”. This command will help user to check the health of all the log files in the current location.

If the log files are healthy and there is no corruption, then perform the Soft recovery with the command Eseutil /r <Log Prefix> /l “Path of the log files” /d “Path of the database”.

Once the command completes successfully, mount the stores.

It may be possible when user run these commands this following error message will appear on the screen:

“Operation terminated with error -1216”

If user wants to resolve this on his basis then he can run soft recovery with the “/i ” switch.

ISINTEG Utility:- It helps to identify database as ESE database and verify all database tables, records and indexes.

If these utilities are not enough helpful for effective Exchange Server recovery then user must switch to a commercial third party tool like Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery software that comes at an affordable rate and provide excellent recovery from damage.

Exchange Server Errors with their Meaning and Recovery


In this blog we are going to present you a brief description about possible Exchange Server error codes. Some of them are following:-

Exchange Dirty Shutdown Errors:- (Database is not shutdown properly which means it is dirty shutdown)

This error mainly takes place when database is not properly shutdown because of any reason like power failure, virus attack, S/H problem etc. As a result EDB and STM file may get corrupt.

Event ID 454:- When this error message pops up, it means there is corruption in the Information data storage. It may be the cause of improperly established connection with the database.

Event ID 9175:- When Exchange Server mailbox store aborts to mount or you can say suddenly Information store services stop then this error message will pop up on your computer screen.

Exchange Error 515:-(JET_errInvalidLogSequence) :- This error comes out when log file is missing or corresponding header is not matching with the file. The main reason behind this error is invalid log signature and log creation time mismatch.

Event ID 4294966278:- (JET_errReadVerifyFailure Read verification error 4294966278):- This error is encountered due to some reasons such as disaster damage in database and may be due to presence of bad sectors on the hard disk.

Event ID 5000:-(Unable to initialize the store service. Failed to search for MSEXCHUCE in DS. 0X80004005):- This error message is mostly encountered when user upgrades its Exchange server to next service pack, mainly when timeout happens in the LDAP query.

Event ID 1605:-(JET_errKeyDuplicate, Illegal duplicate key):- This error arises when user runs Eseutil command. Consider the scenario when a user tries to repair its corrupt EDB file with the help of Eseutil/p command but its premature exist is responsible for this error’s occurrence.

Exchange Error 1216:- This error message is seen mostly in recovery process when ESE tries to obtain all the databases in a storage group into a regular process and then comes to know that database is missing. There may be one other reason like missing transaction log files in different versions of Exchange Server.

Exchange Error 550:-(Unable to relay) :- This is a very conman error that comes often in Exchange Server. This mainly occurs when a particular mail account on your Exchange server is unable to send mails to a specific domain.

All these above errors cause corruption in Exchange database file. To repair EDB file or for perfect Exchange Server Recovery you can avail a very proficient commercial tool like Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery. This software provides its powerful support for 32 bit as well as 64 bit MS office. This EDB repair tool facilitates proper recovery of emails and its attachments with its quick and extensive scan mode.

Exchange Server Database Error 1019 and 476

Exchange Server is at the present time becoming one of the most popular Server side applications because it works as a connector in connecting a number of Outlook profiles and keeps the record of each mail transaction. In this Client Server application Outlook works as a client side application and a number of Outlook mailboxes can be easily handled by only one Exchange Server. This extra ordinary feature of Exchange Server makes it more useful to be used in big organizations.

Exchange Server stores all data and files in Exchange database files in .edb format. But all of a sudden it may happen that Exchange mailbox may get corrupt and user will have his most important data at a big risk as well as the user will lose his accessibility from his mailbox. In such a scenario it becomes the headache of the administrator to bring back all data of the user. Now you need to repair corrupt Exchange mailbox as early as possible.

This damage of the database can be of two levels, one is database level and the other one is application level due to various reason like virus assault, software and hardware failure, checksum mismatch etc. But mainly it is because of defects that occur in the disk drive and firmware. Further this issue may come as an error message of the invalid checksum or an invalid accessed page header while processing a read operation.

When there is damage in file system or fault in mapping of several pages that are present in database, this situation results in error 1019 (JET_errPageNotInitialized). At this point user is not able to access any data or folders that all are available in Exchange Server database.

On the other hand user may also face one more error message that is called Exchange Event ID 476. In this error all the database pages read from the file at offset for bytes but it fails verification because it contains no page data. The read operation will fail with error event id 476.

Due to this Exchange error code when Exchange Server searches for any database page from Exchange information store it shows page number “0times;00000000” page fails checksum test and results in Exchange Server error 1018.

Now the time comes for professional Exchange mailbox recovery by applying default commands like ESEUTIL and ISINTEG. If these utilities are not sufficient for EDB recovery then try Stellar Phoenix Exchange Mailbox Recovery tool. This software is highly effective in user mailbox recovery and extracts all available items like emails, attachments, contacts details, and calendar events etc. This utility first scans all corrupted data from its powerful Quick scan mode and then provides recovered data in a tree structured form.

How to say good bye to Exchange Error 1088 & 1005


Exchange server is becoming famous because of its user compatibility but it becomes irritating when you are working very heartily and sudden a error message pop up to disturb you.

It is a very common thing. Take one example of the scenario. Once I got stuck and the following error message appeared on my screen:-

Event ID: 1088
Source: MSExchangeIS
Type: Error
Category: General 

The information store could not be loaded because the distinguished name(DN)of message database
/O=org_name/OU=site_name/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN= does not match the DN of directory

This error comes when you initiate the Information Store service and the services do not run, you may receive Jet Error 1276 (ecDomainError), and Event ID 1088 may be logged. Generally in such a case you must reinstall Exchange Server and use the organization and site name that are displayed in the event ID 1088 error message. This act may solve the problem. But it may be possible that even after installing  Exchange Server again the information store may still be unable to start and may log the same events, but in the description of this event ID 1088 the Distinguished Name (DN) of the directory and the message database are reversed.

Possible causes of this Problem:-

  • If the DN are the different of the Priv.edb and the Pub.edb databases.
  • The main reason behind this situation is either when you install Exchange Server with an organization or site name that does not match with the information stores that you are restoring now, or you only restore the Priv.edb/Pub.edb database. 
  • When you install Exchange Server with a new organization and site name, the DN of the directory matches the .edb file that you originally restored, but the other .edb file DN is incorrect. 
  • When you attempt to start the information store, it logs an event ID 1088 error message in which the directory DN and the message database DN have switched from the previous event ID 1088 error message. 

Note the source of the event ID 1005 error message. For example: 
Event ID: 1005
Source: MSExchangeIS Public
Type: Error
Category: General
Unable to start the Microsoft Exchange Information Store. Error 0x4fc. 


  • Start the information store (the information store starts the private information store. Therefore, if the source of event ID 1005 error message is MSExchangeIS Private, the DN in the directory is not working on the Priv.edb database).
  • The Information Store service stops processing at this point, so the Pub.edb database DN may not match the directory whether DN in the directory is correct. 
  • If the source of the event ID 1005 error message is MSExchangeIS Public, the DN of the Priv.edb database is correct and the DN of the Pub.edb database is incorrect.
  • Make sure that you restore both the Priv.edb and the Pub.edb database files from the same backup set (or that the Priv.edb and the Pub.edb database files at least have DNs that match) and that you reinstall Exchange Server with the DN that matches the .edb files.

If all these steps are not able to repair EDB file then just install Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery software. This is one of the best commercial tool of the Stellar for Exchange server recovery and compatible with all Exchange Server versions like:- 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000 and 5.5.

Common errors upgrading from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 Server


Being an Exchange Server user a person knows the importance of EDB file since it work as a store house for the information that is sent and received via Exchange Server side application. And the corruption in this file may lead to a big halt in the fluency of the email communication of the whole organization.

EDB file gets corrupted because of issues and corruptions that occur due to sudden shutdown of MS Exchange Server, JET engine error, device failure, malicious attack, server downtime, virus attack etc.

Here we are going to discuss some error messages that are encountered usually in Exchange 2010 version when it is upgrade along with Exchange 2003 server version.

Exchange 2010 is installed for coexistence with Exchange 2003 using the tried and tested script:

setup.com /mode:Install /roles:CA,HT,MB /EnableLegacyOutlook /LegacyRoutingServer:exch03.ad.priv /ExternalCASServerDomain:mail.ad.com

After this installation process is completed and the server is rebooted the first error is encountered.

First Possible Error:-

The Public Folder Database created by the Exchange 2010 coexistence install is dismounted and then if you try to mount the Public Folder Database it will result this error:

The database action failed. Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionNotFound: Unable to mount database

Second Possible Error:-

There is no need to worry about the database, if you have taken backup. Now when you try to delete it from the Exchange Management Console (EMC), following error message will appear on your computer screen:-

Unexpected error … while executing command ‘remove-PublicFolderDatabase’. Additional information: at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.MonadDataProvider.MonadPipelineProxy.ClosePipeline(MonadAsyncResult asyncResult) …

You can use ADSI Edit connected to the Configuration Naming Context, for example:-

CN=Public Folder Database XXXXXXXXXX

Now you can delete key from:-

CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=First Organization, CN=Administrative Groups, CN=Exchange Administrative Group (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)

Now create a New Public Folder Database using the EMC (leave unchecked the ‘Mount this Database’) which completes fully and then mount it manually without any error occurrence.

Third Possible Error:-

Assuming the public folders are ready for sending and receiving data, you can start testing the email delivery from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2010 server to Exchange 2003 Server.

Then you find email delivery to Exchange 2010 is fine from Exchange 2003, but you are not able to send emails from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2003. So when you check the queue viewer and will find this error:-

Last Error: There is currently no route to the mailbox database

This is really very miscellaneous since the installation process was accurately done from the both ends (from Exchange 2003 to 2010 and 2010 to 2003) as seen in Exchange Server Manager (can also use Get-RoutingGroupConnector from the EMS).

In such a case you have a lot of risk of the corruption of the EDB file. When I did this because of these errors my EDB file got corrupted very badly. Then someone told me about Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery Software. This is really a very good utility to repair damaged EDB file or server. Also, it can be used with every version of the Exchange Eerver like 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000 and 5.5.

How to get rid of Exchange Dirty Shutdown Problem?


This is a very common problem that every Exchange user has to face.

Symptoms: - Following are the main factors that need to be determined in case of an Exchange System in a Dirty shutdown state.

  • Collect the database and the required logs

User must find a copy of the .edb file and needed logs. These logs are required from database perspective and this can be completed by suspending the older database copy, and then copying the needed files to a separate location or creating a snapshot of the volume which can be reverted to at a later time.

  • Check database state

This can be done through the command below:-

eseutil /mh "c:\DBRecovery\Mailbox Database 0436312751.edb"

Then check the database header for log files generation that is needed for the recovery, in this case use this step:-

Log Required 124-124 (0x7c-0x7c) which indicate file E000000007C. These log files are required for the recovery of the database at a minimum to a clean shutdown without any data loss of the user.

  • Check consistency of needed logs

Before starting to apply the logs it is important to check that all logs should be in consistent state and must be available.
Or if you need to handle a large number of logs and have used the Windows Explorer to copy the files, then keep one thing in your mind that some files are missing when you are sorting them in the Windows Explorer view.
To ensure that you will not fail afterwards when performing the recovery use eseutil /ml together with your log directory path and log prefix, like as obtain here E00.
Log file check within directory by using this:-
eseutil /ml c:\DBRecovery\E00

Recover database state to “clean shutdown”

After finishing both checks successfully, start the recovery by using:-
eseutil /R E00 /l "c:\DBRecovery" /d "c:\DBRecovery\Mailbox Database 0436312751.edb"
It failed with an Error “-1216” and this can be fixed by using the “/I"

And then try this:-
eseutil /R E00 /l c:\DBRecovery /d "c:\DBRecovery\Mailbox Database 0436312751.edb" /i
And YES it results in “Operation completed successfully in 0.140 seconds.” Then check the Application event log and YES, there is no Error.

Check before mounting the database by running:-

eseutil /mh "c:\DBRecovery\Mailbox Database 0436312751.edb."

No need to worry if still it is in a “dirty shutdown” stage.

Then runESEUTIL/P to get the database into a clean shutdown. (Microsoft strongly discourages using eseutil /P because it may lead to data loss and known for the hard recovery. The /P should be a measure of extreme desperation when there’s no way at all to recover your database via /R).


The last command is eseutil command:
eseutil /R E00 /l "c:\DBRecovery" /d "c:\DBRecovery\Mailbox Database 0436312751.edb” /i
Following are the three things that may happen:-
  • /i” is a parameter for skipping missing log stream that are attached with the databases. In older versions of Exchange one log stream was used per storage group. As a storage group could have contained multiple databases, the “/i” option was provided when only one out of multiple databases has to be recovered. As Exchange 2010 doesn’t use storage groups any more, this parameter shouldn’t be used any more.
  • Then come to “/d” parameter, with the fully qualified path to the EDB file. Now in such case you must use the directory path not the full path to the .edb file.
  • There is no system path specified, so the actual path of the cmd prompt is used. This directory is used to check for, or to create, an E0x.chk file. It is always recommended to the user to specify the same path as the .edb and log directory to keep the files together, and ensure that the files you expect to be used are the ones which are always used.
These above steps will bring your system to a clean state because this error may lead to corruption in EDB file and if the EDB file gets corrupted then your whole effort will be in waste. Once I also got stuck in such a situation and my EDB file was damaged very badly but soon I recovered from that scenario because of Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery software. This is really a very effective tool for EDB repair and recovers all items from Exchange database file. This is be compatible with all versions of the Exchange Server.

Recovery From Exchange Server Errors

Since Microsoft Exchange Server is flexible and very much user friendly that is why it is becoming famous in the corporate world, but every thing has its limitation. Exchange Server also gets damaged or corrupted due to some errors such as virus attack, hardware failure, operating system malfunction and abnormal termination of the information store service and many more.

Exchange Event ID 9175
Error 1601
Error 1605
Error 4294966278
Exchange Dirty Shutdown Error
Error -515
Exchange Event ID 5000

How to resolve the issues:
Following are few ways which can be used to work around the problem:
A) Restore from backup: If you have clean and updated backup file, you should restore the database with its.

B) Run ESEUTIL utility: To repair the corrupt database file, Microsoft offers ESEUTIL command line tool. So, if the backup file is either not clean or not updated, then you should use this built-in repair application.
Note: When Eseutil /p (a hard repair command) utility is used to perform database repair, it removes anything it fails to understand. i.e you may experience some data loss situations after using it. Moreover, there is no method to identify how much your data is going to be lost.

C) Run ISINTEG utility: After running the ESEUTIL repair tool, you should run the ISINTEG utility. This command line tool helps to rebuilds and fixes the errors occurred in the information store after repair and restoration.
However if the Exchange database file remains inaccessible even after trying above said methods, then try to recover Exchange database using a third party Exchange server recovery software.

If it is not sufficient then you can choose Stellar Phoenix Exchange Server Recovery tool.

Following are the features of this software:-

  • Repairs corrupted EDB files, which are not overwritten, also repairs Unicode EDB file
  • Restores mailboxes as *.pst files
  • Recovers deleted mailboxes
  • Supports Exchange Server 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, and 5.5; Also Compatible with Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, and 2000
  • Recovers all mail folders, messages, email attachments, notes, tasks, appointments and other database items
  • Selective mailbox recovery
  • Supports e-mail addresses recovery from Active Directory storage

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